Sunday, August 30, 2009


Charles Babbage (Dec 26 1792 - Oct 18 1871) Born Teignmouth, England. Died London, England. Augustin Louis Cauchy (Aug 21 1789 - May 23 1857) Born Paris, France. Died Sceaux, France. Albert Einstein (March 14 1879 - April 18 1955) Born Ulm, Germany. Died Princeton, USA. Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (March 21 1768 - May 16 1830) Born Auxerre, France. Died Paris, France.Carl Friedrich Gauss (April 30 1777 - Feb 23 1855) Born Brunswick, Germany. Died Göttingen, Germany.David Hilbert (Jan 23 1862 - Feb 14 1943) Born Königsberg, Germany. Died Göttingen, Germany.Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (Dec 10 1804 - Feb 18 1851) Born Potsdam, Germany. Died Berlin, Germany.Pierre-Simon Laplace (March 28 1749 - March 5 1827) Born Beaumont-en-Auge, France. Died Paris, France.Andrei Andreyevich Markov (June 14 1856 - July 20 1922) Born Ryazan, Russia. Died St Petersburg, Russia.Sir Isaac Newton (Jan 4 1643 - March 31 1727) Born Woolsthorpe, England. Died London, England.Blaise Pascal (June 19 1623 - Aug 19 1662) Born Clermont-Ferrand, France. Died Paris, France.Carle David Tolm Runge (Aug 30 1856 - Jan 3 1927) Born Bremen, Germany. Died Göttingen, Germany.George Gabriel Stokes (Aug 13 1819 - Feb 1 1903) Born Sligo, Ireland. Died Cambridge, England. Alan Mathison Turing (June 23 1912 - June 7 1954) Born London, England. Died Wilmslow, England.


these are the seven wonders of ancient world...

Thursday, August 27, 2009


ISAAC NEWTON was the greatest english mathematician.he laid the foundation for DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULAS.his works on OPTICS and GRAVITATION make him one of the greatest scientists the world has known.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



TWO YEARS GONE and this is the third year in B.SC MATHS HONS.but it feels like that we are still learning.we are not ready yet to be called as a mathematician.still,a long journey is ahead.we are yet to solve the mystries of maths oops i mean to say the beauty of maths.we are going to be gratuates next year and just ask our hearts"are we good at maths?"and the heart answers no......are we good enough that a central university should give us the degree of maths gratuates??ofcourse it should,because we know the art of last time studies i mean the exam time studies.we know the art to select important questions from a vast syllabus.we have the capability to finish a subject within few days which takes a complete session for a lecturer to complete it.lets get rid of this.its like a parasite which is eating our real calibre....lets be innovative in maths.we are going to be strong in all areas of maths...from the initial calculations to the level 3 i.e top level concepts.shall we??so its good to be in the process of learning.....


all the students of final year,wake up if you have not yet.our second year result was realy very bad.most of us have scored low.many of us have not cleared our papers,what do tou think?where we were wrong?perhaps everything was cool with us till half of the session.but at the end of the session we could not maintain it.we could not hold the rope tightly.i would like to keep silence about our physics practical result as it was an unfair treatment with maths hons students.most of us are realy good.each of us has a healthy mind.the only thing that we need to think about is our effort,our self dedication towards our studies.we have to give our best the same time,we need to manage our time.we should have time for our studies,our hobbies,social awareness and ofcourse for our buddies.remember, we the mathematicians have always been accused with the charges of being unsocial.isnt it?lets make these people wrong with our social awareness and social may find this surprising but this is management dude which is going to decide your lets pull up our socks,tighten our seat belts and conquer the world.lets make our teachers to say that our batch is going to be one of the of thier best batches.jet,set,go....