Wednesday, August 26, 2009


TWO YEARS GONE and this is the third year in B.SC MATHS HONS.but it feels like that we are still learning.we are not ready yet to be called as a mathematician.still,a long journey is ahead.we are yet to solve the mystries of maths oops i mean to say the beauty of maths.we are going to be gratuates next year and just ask our hearts"are we good at maths?"and the heart answers no......are we good enough that a central university should give us the degree of maths gratuates??ofcourse it should,because we know the art of last time studies i mean the exam time studies.we know the art to select important questions from a vast syllabus.we have the capability to finish a subject within few days which takes a complete session for a lecturer to complete it.lets get rid of this.its like a parasite which is eating our real calibre....lets be innovative in maths.we are going to be strong in all areas of maths...from the initial calculations to the level 3 i.e top level concepts.shall we??so its good to be in the process of learning.....


  1. yes, u r exactly right bt dont worry,we r not going 2 commit same mistake this year...........

  2. Well said Sarwar, It is one of the biggest drawbacks of the education system after 10+2 in our country. Not only Jamia Millia Islamia, but other universities across the country follow the same system. Students got good marks after reading 10 selected questions in each paper and the irony is that one doesn't need to go through the books all through the year. 2 to 3 days studies for each paper is enough, then u can imagine how can the country generate quality grduates..
